CTV-Dataset is a drone dataset for cyclist interaction among other road users (such as cyclist, pedestrian and cars) in shared spaces, from campus experiment.
The aim of this interdisciplinary project is to research, develop and evaluate collaborative robots (cobots) with empathic intelligence to support efficient and safe human-robot collaboration.
This project aims to develop subject-specific and interdisciplinary study and learning content on artificial intelligence in the field of machine learning for all status groups in universities.
The project ML-PRE aims to bridge the gap between machine learning and its application in modeling and optimization in polymer reaction engineering (PRE).
The overall objective of the SocialCars Research Training Group RTG is to research new methods and applications of decentralized, cooperative traffic management, that are enabled by new technological trends and developments such as Car-to-X communication
The overall objective of the Project Zukunftslabor Mobilität (ZLM) is to develop sustainable transport and mobility-supporting IT systems that are compatible with urban and rural lifestyles and with existing infrastructures and transport systems.
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